Avenir Climat - archives

Un projet de voyage d'un an entre l'Europe et l'Asie. A la découverte des pays et des ses habitants. Pour comprendre le changement climatique. Pour faire connaitre les solutions d'adaptations. Le climat concerne chacun d'entre nous, ensemble nous pouvons agir.

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Lundi, 20 août 2007

Project “Future Climate” – A one year journey to gather testimonies of fighting climate change in Europe and Asia.

What is Project Future Climate ?

  • Collect testimonies during 2008 from those who are actively combating climate change in Europe and Asia.
  • Establish relationships between local authorities, associations and companies in France and countries visited.
  • To be carried out during a personal one year journey through two continents.

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Why is is necessary ?

  • Testify to a major challenge for our society, that of climate change.
  • Enhance and spread knowledge on how to adapt to climate change, and how to apply this knowledge gained elsewhere back in France.
  • Learn to better understand the cultural diversity of peoples and to establish relationships with then, other than merely economics and trade.

How will it be achived ?

  • I will travel by using only terrestrial and maritime public transport – no air flights.
  • I will meet individuals and governmental and non-governmental associations and institutes working on issues related to climate change, such as energy conservation, renewable energy, public transport, local development, cross-border solidarity, erosion, desertification, flood risk, local agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, etc…
  • I will report on this primarily via a project website and through the press.


The project

“Climate is changing, and we have got to act imperatively.” This statement has now become regrettably banal, sadly, and I want to clarify its sense and show possible concrete solutions.
In 2008, across Europe and Asia, I will arrange to meet “witnesses of climate”: associations, cities, companies, individuals, etc. in order to present climate change in a concrete manner and in relation to everyday life. Through my journey, I want to give to those people affected by climate change an opportunity to express themselves and a platform to share their idea and actions.

In my reports, I will tell about their vision of environmental modification and about changes that occurred in their everyday or professional life.
Across the two continents, I will also be able to tackle the different cultural approaches on these challenges, treating climate change under two angles :

  • Practices : in e.g. transport, energy, housing, urban development, agriculture, forestry, consumption, waste, and how do people act in order to adapt to climate
  • Participation : it is obvious that climate is changing, but beyond this statement, how do people commit to fighting the challenge together? Information sharing, decision making techniques, action planning and the exchange of opinions are also factors of success. How do people pass from statements to action ?

The route

The final choice of the route depends on the subject : climate change and its impact on human society, and future contacts. The exact plan is not yet definitely fixed, but will be modified as required in order to maximise the reporting on the subject and to publish them in France.


Examples and experiences will be transferred to France to local government, schools, press, radio, associative networks and directly to the internet. The project objectives are :

  • Spread information about climate change to a wide audience.
  • Show successful examples of fighting climate change to professionals in France.
  • Encourage local initiatives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in France.
  • Education on sustainable development in cooperation with school and colleges.

Afterwards, an exhibition is being planned in cooperation with the Region of Burgundy and the Ministry of Ecology. Also, the relationships set up between the “witnesses of climate” and partners in France could be useful in initiating common decentralised projects.


Are you interested ? Do you also act against climate change ?

  • Have you experience in transport, housing, urban development, agriculture, forestry or waste treatment ?
  • Are you concerned by energy saving or renewable energy, conserving biodiversity or natural resources ?
  • Does your project involve several acting parties, and/or government bodies ?
  • Does climate change or changes in your environment affect your activities ?

I would like to meet you during my journey in order to discuss these issues with you and invite you to make initial contact (see my details below). Your action or reflections might be transferable here in France or elsewhere in the world.
As my journey advances, I would contact you again in order to fix outstanding details and a final date to meet


  • Associations for environmental education : Autun Morvan Ecologie, Bourgogne Energies Renouvelables, Objectif Climat, GRAINES, Avenir Climat aka Future Climate
  • National ecological associations : Climate Action Network, Friends of the Earth
  • National travellers association : Aventure du Bout du Monde
  • Professionals : Yves RICHARD, researcher on climatology at University of Dijon
  • Media : blog network Freemen, Journal de Saône et Loire, Radio France
  • Local authorities : Region of Burgundy, Regional Reserve of Morvan, City of Dijon, regional environmental agency of Burgundy
  • Ministry of Ecology, Ministry of Youth and Sports

Benoît Kubiak

Who am I ?

After completeing my masters in geography in 2003, I have been working in and around Autun (Burgundy, France) responsible for the local “Agenda 21” sustainable development programme. I have also worked with several NGOs in the field of ecology and international solidarity since 2000
For indian area, i will reach the help of Purvi Makwana.

Benoît KUBIAK Adress : Le bourg – 71400 Auxy - FRANCE
Phone : 0033 (0)385 525 429
Mail : ben AT avenirclimat.info
Web : http://avenirclimat.info

Thanks to Fabian and Nick for translation

Dimanche, 5 août 2007

Traduction de la présentation du projet

J'ai réalisé une version courte de 4 pages qui présente le projet Avenir Climat. Carole et Fabian s'occupe de la traduction en anglais et en allemand, théoriquement d'ici mardi. Si vous pouvez faire la traduction dans une autre langue (espagnol, russe, chinois, hongrois, inuit...), merci de me faire signe.

Le document en version française à traduire est ici (PDF, 586 Ko)

Si vous avez des contacts qui travaillent ou militent contre le changement climatique, je veux bien avoir leur contact. Je leur enverrai ce dossier pour me présenter et leur demander s'ils souhaitent me rencontrer lorsque je traverserai leur pays.

Ces pays sont : Luxembourg, Belgique, Pays-Bas, Allemagne, Pologne, Slovaquie, Hongrie, Roumanie, Bulgarie, Grèce, Turquie, Iran, Pakistan, Inde, Népal, Bangladesh, Thaïlande, Malaisie, Singapour, Laos, Viet Nam, Chine, Mongolie, Russie, Biélorussie, Lituanie, Ukraine, Autriche.
Je ne suis pas certain de passer dans tous ces pays. Seuls ceux marqués en gras sont définitifs.

Je mettrai les versions traduites dans ce billet.